Thursday, May 19, 2016

Creating custom share links for social media on your website.

What did I learn this week?

For the most part, my social media links on websites have been direct links to that clients social media page. There, they can link the page and engage in the content there, but I want to have the option to make those buttons link to SHARE that page on the users own social network. I've seen it before and there are some really neat tools like "Add This" and "Share This" But now I want to customize the links. 

I love it. You can share the page or specific post to the users Facebook, Twitter, Google +, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Email all with the click of a button. 



Just copy the link provided and paste into the href field and when the visitor clicks on the link - a new page will open to share the link you preset. 


Twitter allows you to share an awesome customized tweet.

Google Plus

Google Plus is similar to Facebook in that you can share a specific link.


LinkedIn actually allows you to customize the title of the post and the summary. All others will pull the meta description from your websites meta information.


In Pinterest set a custom image and description.


Preset the recipient, subject, CC and body.

That's not all...

Another great tip for customizing your social media shares are open graph meta tags. I've found two really great articles that helped me understand how open graph worked. It's a wonder that more people don't use these meta tags. 

In general, the coding looks something like this. 

And here you can see the custom post created by the og meta code!

This, along with Facebook Developer Tools to preview and debug and I had my custom shares set-up in no time! It's surprising how many small businesses don't use this yet and I think we are missing the boat if our websites don't have customized sharing.